

St. Jude  Parish, Donholm, is a Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of Nairobi, established in 1982. Residents living in Donholm and other Christians who can make it to mass at Donholm parish, are warmly welcome to join the family of St. Jude in Eucharistic celebrations during Sunday and weekday masses.

Mass Programme
Parish Centre
Mass Start Time Language
First Mass 07:00 AM English
Second Mass 09:00 AM Kiswahili
Third Mass 11:00 AM English
Mass Programme
St. Andrew Edelvale
Mass Name Start Time Language
First Mass 08:00 AM English
Second Mass 10:00 AM Kiswahili
Other Activities
Parish Centre
Activity  Start Time Day
Confessions 5:30 PM Saturday
Adoration 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Tuesday and Thursday

New Proposed Church