The Youth

St Jude youth group is among other existing groups within St Jude catholic Parish with a strong catholic foundation. Currently under our able Chaplain and Father In-charge Rev Father Patrick Kanja Wachira, other Priests and Brothers.
The main agendas of St. Jude Catholic church Youth are;
- Enable the young to grow holistically in their faith through the church.
- Positive influence on personal, social and educational development through engaging in both indoor and outdoor activities e.g Bible trivia, sports, CSRs etc
- The church also provide us with guidance and knowledge of the outside world.
Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 ” Young people, enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart’s desire. But remember that God is going to judge you for whatever you do. Don’t let anything worry you or cause you pain. You aren’t going to be young very long”.
Investing in today’s youth is essential for the church in growing the body of Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in relationship with the Lord prepares them to serve Christ in everyday’s activities.
Coming together helps to minimize risks of youth, we should have equal access to resources that can improve our health, our education, and our overall role in the country’s development therefore we provide moral support and empower each other for social, economic and political growth.
Some of our incoming projects, activities and programs are charity events, environmental cleanup, and talent show, exchange program with youths from other churches, selling of juice and cakes and planting of vegetables.
Youth meet every Sundays after Third Mass from for a bible study which is normally facilitated by our brothers and occasionally invite special guests for a talk and other AOBs. We have also dedicated every First Sunday of every month for Rosary at the Grotto mainly to thank God for His graces and for our loving Mother Virgin Mary for her continuous intercessions. This therefore strengthens our faith as Catholics and enhances our solidarity as Christian.
Much appreciation to our Matron Madam da’Rose, Patron Vincent, our able Spiritual brothers Stephen and Fred, Fr. Kanja, the parish priest council and the whole congregation for their massive support.
Below is our calendar of activities for the year 2019.