“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.”
Infant Baptism
If you are planning to have your baby baptized in the Catholic faith, please follow these instructions:
1. To request Baptism at St. Jude the family should ordinarily be members of the parish.
2. Infant Baptism is for children from infancy age to six years of age.
3. Complete the Sacrament of Baptism Registration form.
4. Attach a copy of the child’s original Birth Certificate to the form.
5. Attend a Baptism Preparation Class.
Both parents are asked to take a Baptism Preparation Class. These classes are offered through St. Jude every Sunday after baptism is announced. Class dates and registration forms are available online. You may be considered exempt from taking the class if you have had a child baptized into the Catholic faith, or have taken a Baptism Prep class within the last year.
6. Forms for registering for the Baptism Preparation Class are available online and must be received prior to the scheduled class. Each class is limited in size, so please register early. Preparation classes are offered on every Saturday as from 2:00pm
7. Choose a Godparent or Godparents according to the listed requirements.
The Canon Law of the Catholic Church requires a male Godparent, or a female Godparent, or one of each. Before selecting Godparents, please carefully review the Godparent Information Form. At least one Godparent must meet these requirements. If you only have one Godparent, then a second person can be named as a “Christian Witness’ provided they practice another Christian faith.
8. All required letters and outstanding forms must be in the church office two weeks prior to the anticipated Baptism date.
Children Baptism
Children who have reached the “age of discretion” (7-years-old) must be initiated (baptized and confirmed) using the Rite of Initiation of Adults, adapted for children.
Adult Baptism
Adults seeking baptism need to proceed through the Rite of Initiation of Adults (RCIA program with the assumption that their baptism in the Catholic Church signifies their desire to become Catholic as well. RCIA will prepare the adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, and Reconciliation. Please contact Kennedy Bogonko if you are interested in this program.